I think there’s something in the psyche of girls or people in general, to want to belong. And when you hang out with people of similar tastes and dressing, some of it is bound to rub off. Not always a bad thing, I can assure you
But I wonder how you feel about friends buying the same accessories you have? Not clothes, but accessories e.g. wallets, bags, shoes etc. Do you ever feel like saying “Hang on, that’s my look!”
I found this picture on LVMH and this is pretty much an extreme case, I’d say LOL! Its almost scary how similar they all look eh? But assume something less extreme. Assume that its just the clutch that is the same item. Do you feel awkward about friends buying the same thing you have, even in a different colour? Do you feel honoured that someone would want what you have? Or do you not care either way? Curious minds want to know!
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